Indlela eya enkululekweni kwiilwimi zesiNtu iyacaca

Indlela eya enkululekweni kwiilwimi zesiNtu iyacaca

“Free to Learn: soze ungayibambi” esi sisihloko ebesikwisimemo ebesikhutshiwe ngeenjongo zokusungula, nokubonisa inkqubo yokufunda ngeelwimi ezimbini nangaphezulu. Oku kwenzeke kwiYunivesithi yaseNtshona Koloni (UWC) ngomhla wama26 kweyoMsintsi 2024. Ukuveliswa...
Cutting edge solutions to bilingual education vi Syd Afrika

Cutting edge solutions to bilingual education vi Syd Afrika

Ôs woon amal inne multi-ligual country waa ôs recognized 11 tale harmoniously langs mekaa exist. Maa innie education system is dai als afwiesag. IsiXhosa leerdes enjoy skool in hulle native tong tot in Graad 3. Dan wôd hulle vakke in Graad 4 na Ingils geswitch. Leedes...
isiXhosa FAL – changing the narrative

isiXhosa FAL – changing the narrative

I fell in love with isiXhosa after taking it as an FAL in Grade 8. Everyone thought I was mad when I decided to take it because there was and there continues to be a huge misconception that it is simply impossible for a white person to study it and pass. My thoughts...
Researching and Celebrating Kaaps

Researching and Celebrating Kaaps

The 3rd Kaaps Symposium was held on the 15th and 16th of August 2024, at the UWC Centre for Humanities Research Iyatsiba Lab in Woodstock, Cape Town. The event was jointly hosted by the Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research (CMDR), the Afrikaans and...
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